Guardians of Mountain Life

Guardians of Mountain Life
Preserving the natural resources
Water optimization
Glaciers for Life
In the face of the water crisis in Mendoza and Argentina, we propose the development of "Glaciers for Life" in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, the Argentine Institute of Snow, Glaciology, and Environmental Sciences (IANIGLA), the Cricyt Foundation, and the Mendoza River Water Conservation Fund. This comprehensive program aims to support the conservation of snow cover, rivers, and Andean glaciers in Argentina. It integrates scientific research, assistance in developing concrete solutions in the industry, educational activities, and global-level communication.
Own initiatives
collaborative projects
Mitigating our climate impact
Carbon footprint measurement and reduction
As guardians of mountain life, it is our responsibility to reduce our greenhouse gasses, to preserve life of our fragile magical environment. Therefore, we measure the global carbon footprint of our activity, and we act to reduce it.

Mitigating our climate impact
Eco Design: Reduction of our carbon footprint
Other initiatives
Mitigating our climate impact
Energetic Efficiency Program

Mitigating our climate impact
Waste Management
We recycle 97% of our solid waste, including vineyard and winery waste, and treat and reuse all Terrazas de los Andes winery wastewater for irrigation. Our commitment to a circular economy includes donating plastic straps to a local penitentiary for crafting, returning materials to suppliers for reuse, and selling recyclable waste.
Engaging our local communities
Responsible consumption
Aligned with our sustainability vision, we are dedicated to promoting responsible and enjoyable wine consumption, emphasizing the harmonious balance between wine appreciation and health. This commitment is formalized in our internal policy and reinforced through various training programs, including welcoming processes, responsible consumption training, and educational integration. We also host events focused on responsible consumption, such as providing transportation alternatives, offering non-alcoholic options, and setting limits on the number of glasses per person. We proudly stand as members of Wine in Moderation, showcasing our steadfast commitment to this cause.

Engaging our local communities
Mountain communities support
Engaging our local communities
Empowering our people
Interdependent Safety Culture
Empowering our people
CSR Internal program
Our Wines